An Ode To Niche Fashion Companies: Clothes For The Small Statured

An Ode To Niche Fashion Companies: Clothes For The Small Statured

On the next installment of "An Ode To Niche Fashion Companies", I will highlight brands that cater to short statured people.

Little People

I recently came across an article about a dwarf fashion show that took place in NYC.  It outlined the fashion (and life) struggles of Little People.  Children's clothes do not have the correct proportions, women's shoe stores usually sell size 6 and higher, and adult clothes are obviously too tall.  Little People, unfortunately, must buy off the rack and pay to have their garments tailored, which is very expensive.  There are websites, like Petite Plus Patterns, that sell patterns for crafty short statured people but, for the most part, Little People are relegated to expensive tailors.  I could not find any fashion companies specifically for Little People; however, I did find a store in NYC that sells women's size 6 and smaller shoes.  It's a start!

Shirts for Small Statured Men (5'2" to 5'8")

In my blog that features RFM, a company that specializes in clothes for tall and athletic men, it's noted that standard clothing patterns in menswear are based on a 5'10" male.  I have male family members who are shorter than 5'8", so I see firsthand how hard it is for shorter men to find clothes that fit.  Most off the rack styles have shoulders and torsos that are too wide, sleeves that are too long, and pants that need hemming.  Ash & Erie is the answer to most (if not all) short men fashion woes.  Their shirts have a shorter body and sleeves, and a refined collar.  Like fashion for busty women, there is a definite need for styles specifically tailored to men who are shorter than 5'8" and I look forward to seeing what Ash & Erie will produce next.

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